Chief of Police
Christopher J. Soffayer

1003 Main Street
Millis, Massachusetts 02054
Police Report Request Form
Massachusetts General Law allows the Millis Police Department ten (10) business days to answer your request following the receipt. Please note: you will be advised within ten (10) business days if your request requires additional time and/or fee to complete.
Although most records will be released free of charge, a reasonable fee will be assessed for compiling and producing certain lengthy and time-consuming records.
Although we strive to complete your record request as expeditiously as possible, please allow up to ten days for your records to become available.
When mandated explicitly by statute or because of investigative or privacy considerations, we may be unable to release the requested records, or the records in question may need to be carefully redacted before release.
For a detailed explanation of the Massachusetts Public Records law, please see “A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law,” prepared by the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. http://www.sec.state.ma.us/pre/prepdf/guide.pdf
Sgt. Shearns is responsible for all records requests. Should you have any additional questions, you may contact him at jshearns@millisma.gov